Cumberland Infant School & Little Cumberland

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We had an Ofsted Inspection in December 2022, we are delighted that the School still continues to be rated as "Good".

Click here to see the complete Ofsted Report 2022

Here are a few highlights from our 2022 report:

Pupils are keen and excited to learn. Leaders have high expectations for pupils to
learn a broad range of knowledge in a wide variety of subjects. This starts in the
early years, where children enjoy learning to jump, climb and construct in the brand
new ‘physical development zone’.

Pupils feel safe here. Older pupils educate younger pupils about keeping safe.

Leaders ensure that pupils have the chance to make a positive contribution to their
local community.

Pupils enjoy opportunities to learn beyond the classroom.

Pupils also enjoy learning from visitors to the school. This has included learning
about orchestral instruments from a brass band.

Safeguarding practice is strong.

Leaders have established a strong culture of vigilance to identify pupils who are at risk of harm.

Pupils feel safe in school and know where to go for help if they need it. They are
confident that their concerns will be dealt with well.

Leaders are ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs
and/or disabilities (SEND), to do their very best and achieve highly. Leaders have
designed a broad, well-sequenced curriculum for all subjects. The knowledge and
skills that all pupils need to learn in all subjects is clearly set out right from the
beginning of Nursery to the end of Year 2. All subject leaders have strong
knowledge of their subjects and are clearly passionate for these to be taught well.

Leaders are ambitious for pupils to love reading. Pupils value the ‘Cumberland
Collection’, a set of high-quality stories that leaders want all pupils to know in detail.
Teachers share these books with pupils during daily story time. The keen
engagement of pupils as they listen to these stories is a joy to watch. Children are
taught to read right from the start of Reception using a well-sequenced phonics

Pupils behave well and their attendance is high. Leaders have built strong
relationships with pupils and their families. Pupils are polite and well mannered to
adults and to each other. Pupils engage well in lessons and have positive attitudes to
their learning.

Staff enjoy working at the school. They feel well supported by leaders and governors to do their best for all pupils. As one member of staff stated: ‘I really enjoy being part
of the Cumberland team. Everything we do is centered around our little community all
working together to be the best that we can be.’

We had an Ofsted Inspection in July 2017, we are delighted that the School still continues to be rated as "Good".

 Here are a few highlights from the Report:


The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. You and your team have continued to provide excellent care for your pupilswell-being. This is appreciated by pupils and highly valued by parents. Your personal commitment to the pupils, parents and staff has made a significant contribution to the success of the school. You have a deep knowledge of the pupils, the staff and the curriculum. You use this very effectively to get the best out of each of them.

Parents are overwhelmingly supportive of the school and agree that their children are safe, happy and well looked after. Parentsviews were summed up by one who described Cumberland as a truly wonderful school. As a result of the care and support they receive, pupils are confident learners who demonstrate very positive attitudes to learning. This was evident in the pupilsengagement in the dance and sports activities seen during the inspection. It can also been seen in the work pupils completed during the year.

The school is characterised by the commitment of you and your team to get things right for your pupils. Alongside governors and other leaders, you have taken effective action to maintain and build on the strengths identified in the last inspection.

Together, you have addressed the recommendations to improve the quality of teaching and develop the role of middle leaders. As a result, outcomes for pupils remain good. In the Reception class, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils achieve levels that are at least in line with national averages and sometimes better than this. In addition, an increasing number of pupils are now making more than expected progress.

To view the complete OFSTED report 2017, please click HERE

Parental views are important to us and to Ofsted, the Parent View Site enables you to view the results and complete their questionnaire if you wish to do so.