Cumberland Infant School & Little Cumberland

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So Long, Farewell!

The Year 2 classes found out their final topic at Cumberland is 'So Long, Farewell!' They were told that they were going to design and make their very own bag so that they can fill it up on their last day at Cumberland with all their farewell goodies. Everyone was very excited and eager to get started!


We looked at many different types of bags, the sizes, the handles, the decorations and how they were joined in preparation for our design task. We discussed ways we can join our fabric and the different types of hand stitches we can do with sewing. 

Cumberland Fashion Show!

After a few sessions of sewing, we finished making our amazing handmade bags. We even put on a fashion show for our class to show them off!

Last Day At Cumberland

Sadly, we have to say our goodbyes to our year 2 classes as they go onto Junior School. For their last day, we fill up their handmade bags with their farewell goodies, we have some fun and games. We even have a picnic outside with children and parents (for those who can't make it, children can sit with their class teacher and LSA's) 

With permission from parent/s, children have the chance to sign each other's shirts and take photos together. 

 We wish Year 2 all the best and we will miss them very much!